Grupo Rosa Clara, Aranjuez

Grupo Rosa Clara
Calle Almíbar, 71, 28300 Aranjuez

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actualizado el 12/8/2022


El vestido de novia o fiesta perfecto está en la tienda Rosa Clará de Abastos, 94, 28300, Aranjuez. Rosa Clará cuenta con tiendas repartidas por el mundo donde encontraras vestidos para fiesta, vestidos de boda, complementos para novia. Los vestidos creados por Rosa Clará te harán sentirte bella y única.

Descripción en otro idioma:
Rosa Clará has always been present in the fashion sector. However, at the beginning of the 90s, it realised how deeply unsatisfied many women were with what was available in the wedding market. The tailoring was low quality, the fabrics were common and the styles and models were all very similar, so that Rosa Clará became a veritable agent of change in the wedding sector. There was a new profile of bride emerging: women who had become established in the world of employment and, in parallel, had great fashion awareness. These brides wanted to get married in a special gown that made them feel unique and wanted this gown to be a reflection of their unique personalities. They wanted a dress with ‘magic’ that dazzled their partners and made them feel stunning and spectacular. Aware that it was embarking on a great adventure, in 1994 Rosa Clará opened a prêt-à-porter wedding gown shop in Barcelona. This would become the origin of what is today the ROSA CLARÁ GROUP, which has established itself as the number-one wedding dress brand that is renowned around the world.
Categorías y palabras clave
  • Vestidos de Fiesta
  • Tienda de Vestidos de Novia
  • Rosa Clara
  • Ropa de Comunion


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Rosa Clara sucursales cercanamente

  1. MONEDA,23
    09003  Burgos
  2. General Vara de Rey 20
    26003  Logroño
  3. PL. JAUME I, 2
    46700  Gandia
    03203  Elche
    24002  León
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